Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Thank You

I think I quite possibly have the best parents in the world.

Today I woke up exhausted, with a headache and a sore throat, the day before my friend comes to visit Paris and two days before the Metro strike. I got off at the wrong stop on the bus route, I have an essay and an article to write tonight, and I've been wearing down the same pair of shoes for the past two months because Parisians simply don't have feet as obnoxiously huge as mine. Oh, and if that's not enough, I'm an American trying to live in Paris.

Anyway, all of this bad luck was put to shame with the arrival of an enormous package from my parents. Forestalling the excitement of opening it, I rushed home after spending an hour speaking English with French high school students for my last class, feeling very proud of my gloriously obtrusive brown-paper package which drew a number of curious eyes on the Metro.

Tearing it open in the privacy of my own room, I started humming and dancing as I pulled out a card from my parents, stationary, pictures, a Paris guidebook, a book on Parisian cafes, four pairs of tights, and three precious pairs of heavenly comfortable, deliriously stylish, inexplicably fitting women's size 11 shoes. I love my life.

It was the pictures that really got to me, however. In my frenzy of packing, I hadn't thought to include photos of my family and home which I could put up in my new room, thousands of miles away from everything familiar. Sure, you can see photos on Facebook and such, but it's just not the same. To hold something in your hand, even if it's just an image of some other tangible thing, is truly a gift. I admit I'm embarrassed to write this, but I think to get the full effect I must admit that I was so happy to see these photos (former ostentatious posers of our family fridge), that I quite literally burst into tears.

My first tears since month 1. But tears of surprise, relief, and complete and utter thankfulness. Thanks Mom & Dad :)


Blogger HipChick said...

Maggie.... I understand about the shoes... I wear an 11-12 too. It sucks not being able to buy cute shoes. In my frenzied packing to move to France I too forgot to pack photos.., luckily one of my best friends gave me a photo album full of pics of family and friends to take with me on the plane. It was the best gift I could have gotten.

October 16, 2007 at 2:01 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

yo, i have homework to do, but i just wanted to let you know i'll be catching up on your blog soon!

October 16, 2007 at 2:10 PM  

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